Inspection Results for Kirksville Manor Care
Kirksville Manor Care
1705 E. LaHarpe
Kirksville, MO 63501
12/31/24 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 4-703.11 No sanitizer detected in the three compartment sink – corrected.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-602.13 Some debris on the top of oven.
- 6-501.12 Soil on the floor below can storage racks.
- 4-501.14 Dishwasher has some debris on top.
- 4-903.11 Box of single service bowls on the floor of the storage room.
4/26/24 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-501.16 Mashed potatoes and turkey on the steam table at 71 and 103 – reheated.
Non-Critical Items
- 5-205.11 Knife laying in hand wash only sink.
- 6-501.12 (a) Food debris on the floor below the stove. (b) Return air vent in the kitchen has lint accumulation.
11/2/23 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
10/26/23 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 4-703.11 Dishwasher sanitizer concentration is not adequate.
Non-Critical Items
- 6-501.12 Debris on the floor of the kitchen along wall.
- 4-501.11 True reach-in cooler door gasket is torn.
4/18/23 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 4-501.11 Door gasket torn on the True reach-in cooler.
11/3/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-501.16 Chicken and gravy at 130 and 112 F on steam table – removed and reheated.
Non-Critical Items
- 6-501.12 Soil on the floor along wall behind the cooking equipment.
- 3-304.12 Debris in the bottom of the ice scoop holder.
4/30/21 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- None
4/23/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 5-202.13 Hand sink faucet loose and hanging below the flood rim creating a cross connection.
- 3-501.16 Ice cream mix in the soft serve machine is at 47 and 49 F.
Non-Critical Items
- 6-501.12 Soil on the floor along wall behind the stove.
- 3-304.12 Some debris in the bottom of the ice scoop holder.
10/23/19 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 3-302.13 Bulk containers (totes) not labeled with the contents.
- 6-501.110 Employees purse stored on the work table.
- 6-501.12 (a) Food debris and soil on the floor below and behind equipment. (b) Debris on the floor in the dish room.
- 4-602.13 Cobwebs on the can rack in the storage room.