Inspection Results for Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
2523 S. Franklin
Kirksville, MO 63501
6/25/24 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 6-301.11 No soap available at the hand wash sink.
- 4-901.11 Using towels to set clean equipment and utensils on sink.
- 6-501.12 Ceiling vent dirty in the breakfast serving area.
5/3/23 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- None
7/22/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- None
7/8/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-501.16 Refrigerator is at 46 F – 41 or less is required.
Non-Critical Items
- None
8/11/20 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- None
4/18/19 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 4-204.112 Thermometer in the refrigerator reads 46 F and actual temp is 38 F.