Clinic Programs & Services
Grounded in the Health Department’s mission statement, we provide numerous clinic programs and services to the residents of Adair County. These programs and services support our commitment to improve health, wellness, and protect our citizens from disease.
Our clinic programs and services can be best described through the three basic functions:
Communicable Disease Prevention
Adair County Health Department is responsible for the detection, control, and prevention of communicable disease among Adair County residents and people visiting our county. This function is accomplished by ongoing disease surveillance and by conducting appropriate investigative procedures to detect disease outbreaks and potential threats to Adair County citizens so that effective control or prevention measures can be implemented. Our clinic RNs are responsible for our Communicable Disease Prevention program. In addition, our RNs often work with our Environmental Specialist III for disease investigations dealing with food, rabies, and lead issues in the home.
Immunization Services
Our immunization program is an important part of our “mission to prevent disease” at the Health Department. Annually, we give over 5,000 shots including influenza vaccine. We vaccinate people of all ages from infants to children, teens, adults, and seniors. Immunizations are available during our General Clinics on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. An appointment time is necessary and our clinics are open during the noon hour. Please have your immunization records and insurance information available when you visit us. Immunization schedules are a good tool to track when people should receive various vaccines.
General and Specialty Clinics