Archive for April 2017
State of the County Address
Kirksville, Mo. — Local officials and administrators from across Adair county gathered Tuesday in Kirksville for the “State of the County Address”. This was a part of the Kirksville Area Chamber of Commerce “The Government in Focus” series. The meeting began with Jim LeBaron, Administrator, from the Adair County Health Department. The Health Department’s role in Adair County is…
Read MoreJoin CDC in Tackling the Dangerous Return of Syphilis
Why Are We Talking About Syphilis in 2017? Once nearing elimination, national data highlight that syphilis is thriving. In 2015, the United States experienced the highest number and rate of reported primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis cases in more than 20 years. During 2014-2015, syphilis rates increased in every region, a majority of age groups,…
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