February 26, 2021
Kirksville, MO 2/26/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed six new cases of COVID-19 over the past three days. Total case count is now 2,308 with 27 active cases and 2,261 people who have left isolation.
The four cases confirmed on Feb. 24 included three 20-year-old females and a 50-year-old male. An 18-year-old male was confirmed on Feb. 25 and a 41-year-old female was confirmed today. Three cases are in the higher education sector and one is at an address with a previously confirmed case.
The Health Department also confirmed that two previously reported cases admitted to Boone Hospital in Columbia have been discharged to home. A 64-year-old male admitted on Feb. 1 was discharged on Feb. 3, and an 82-year-old female admitted on Feb. 13 was discharged on Feb. 25. Neither required use of a ventilator.
Kirksville, MO 2/23/2021 – The COVID-19 case count for Adair County now stands at 2,302. Only one case was confirmed over the weekend, six on Monday and four more today. As of today, 30 cases are active, 2,252 people have left isolation following a positive COVID-19 test, and there have been 20 COVID-related deaths.
The case of a 19-year-old female in the higher education sector was confirmed Feb. 21.
Six cases confirmed Feb. 22 were females ages 19, 21 and 22, and males ages 19, 41 and 44. Three are in the higher education sector and two reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
Four cases confirmed today include females ages 27 and 56, and males ages 23 and 52. One is in the higher education sector.
An 11-year-old female whose case was reported in December 2020, was removed from the Adair County case count upon determination that she resides in Putnam County, Missouri.
Kirksville, MO 2/23/21 – The Adair County Health Department has received multiple calls about the two vaccine clinics scheduled for this week.
If you received your first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 27, you should return for your second dose tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 24, at The Crossing, 810 East Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville. This clinic is ONLY for those who received their first dose on Jan. 27, and it is the ONLY day the Pfizer vaccine will be administered this week. You should present for your vaccine at the same time you were scheduled for the first dose on Jan. 27.
The Thursday, Feb. 25 clinic is a regional mass vaccine distribution of the Moderna vaccine only. The clinic is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and coordinated by the Missouri National Guard, in cooperation with the Adair County Health Department and area healthcare partners. This clinic was originally scheduled for Feb. 10, rescheduled for Feb. 18, and now slated for Feb. 25. Those who registered for the Feb. 10 and/or Feb. 18 event should keep the same scheduled appointment time.
A handful of appointments are still available. To register, visit the Adair County Health Department website and click on the registration link on the homepage to register. Those who do not have internet service can call 660-730-6100 and 660-730-6200 to register.
All those registered for Thursday’s regional event should bring their signed consent form with them. There is no charge for the COVID-19 vaccine; however, Medicare beneficiaries are asked to bring their Medicare card to the clinic.
Kirksville, MO 2/22/21 – As the country surpassed the grim milestone today of 500,000 reported COVID-related deaths, the Adair County Health Department reminds residents of the two walk-in vaccine clinics scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Both will be held at The Crossing, 810 East Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville.
The Feb. 24 clinic is solely for the administration of the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine for those who received their first dose on Jan. 27. The clinic is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vaccine recipients should arrive at The Crossing at the same time as their first dose was scheduled on Jan. 27. There is no charge for the vaccine; however, Medicare beneficiaries are asked to bring their Medicare card with them to the clinic.
The Feb. 25 clinic is a regional vaccine distribution of the Moderna vaccine. This clinic was originally scheduled for Feb. 10, rescheduled for Feb. 18, and now slated for Feb. 25. Those who registered for the Feb. 10 and/or Feb. 18 event should keep the same scheduled appointment time.
There are a few appointments still available, so registration has been reopened to fill them. Visit the Adair County Health Department website and click on the registration link on the homepage to register. Those who do not have internet service can call 660-730-6100 and 660-730-6200 to register.
The Feb. 25 regional event is primarily for adults age 65 and older and high-risk individuals including adults age 18 and older with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI >40), sickle cell disease, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome. Any remaining long-term and residential care workers, hospital and healthcare workers, emergency workers, including first responders, ambulance, law enforcement, fire, corrections and juvenile corrections, emergency management and public works may also register. Anyone who does not fall into these groups is not eligible for the Feb. 25 vaccine.
All those registered for Thursday’s regional event should bring their signed consent form with them. Those forms are available on the Adair County Health Department’s website under the “Forms” tab or may be picked up at the Adair County Health Department’s clinic entrance. There is no charge for the COVID-19 vaccine; however, Medicare beneficiaries are asked to bring their Medicare card to the clinic.
Masks are, of course, required, and social distancing will be practiced to the extent possible. Anyone with a health condition that makes walking difficult should park in the blue handicap-designated spaces in front of The Crossing and wait for assistance. Participants will check in with their consent form and if applicable, their Medicare card, at the registration area, proceed to the vaccine area, then sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes where they will be monitored for any adverse reactions to the vaccine before being released to return to their vehicles.
Those receiving the Moderna vaccine on Feb. 25 should receive the second dose of the same vaccine on March 25 at the same scheduled time.
A COVID-19 case update for Adair County will be issued tomorrow.
Kirksville, MO 2/19/2021 – Confirmation of six new cases of COVID-19 in Adair County puts the overall case count at 2,292 with 35 active cases and 2,237 people who have left isolation.
Today’s cases include females ages 19, 20, 21, 30 and 44, and a 20-year-old male. Four of the six cases are in the higher education sector and two reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
A previously reported 82-year-old female was admitted to Boone Hospital in Columbia on Feb. 13. She has not required use of a ventilator.
Kirksville, MO 2/18/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed seven new cases of COVID-19 today. New cases include females ages 21, 26 and 59, and males ages 2, 19, 22 and 51. Two cases are in the higher education sector and three reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
Total case count is now 2,286 with 37 active cases and 2,229 people who have left isolation.
DHSS-HCRS List Serve – Community testing – February 18-26
Kirksville, MO 2/18/21 – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services continues to offer FREE COVID-19 testing to Missouri residents. Individuals seeking this testing opportunity should visit our website at www.health.mo.gov/communitytest for a listing of events and a link to register. Residents are encouraged to visit this website frequently as new events will be added regularly. While registration guarantees testing, walk-ins to the event will be accommodated if registration slots are still available.
The following events have been scheduled for February 18-26, 2021:
Feb. 18, 2021 | 12PM – 3PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | Affinia Healthcare, 1717 Biddle Street, St. Louis, MO 63106 | ||
Feb. 18, 2021 | 10AM – 4PM | St. Charles | St. Charles | Harvester Christian Church, 2950 Kings Crossing, St. Charles, Missouri 63303 | ||
Feb. 19, 2021 | 9AM – 4PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | CareSTL Health, 2425 Whittier St., St. Louis, Missouri 63113 | ||
Feb. 19, 2021 | 9AM – 1PM | Joplin | Jasper | ACCESS Family Care, 530 S. Maiden Lane, Joplin, Missouri 64801 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 9AM – 4PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | CareSTL Health, 2425 Whittier St., St. Louis, Missouri 63113 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 9AM – 3PM | Kansas City | Jackson | Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Center, 3700 Blue Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64130 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 8AM – 5PM | Lexington | Lafayette | Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri, 825 S. Business Hwy 13, Lexington, Missouri 64067 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 8:30AM – 3PM | Rolla | Phelps | Your Community Health Center, 1081 E. 18th St., Rolla, Missouri 65401 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 8:30AM – 11:30AM | Florissant | St. Louis County | James J. Egan Civic Center, 1 James J. Egan Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 9AM – 1PM | Branson | Taney | Cox Health, 111 Cahill Road, Branson, Missouri 65616 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 9AM – 11AM | Seymour | Webster | Between Twin Dragon Restaurant & Seymour Elementary School, 729 Center Ave, Seymour, Missouri 65746 | ||
Feb. 22, 2021 | 8AM – 10AM | Kansas City | Jackson | Bartle Hall (Front Entrance on 13th Street), 301 W. 13th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 9AM – 3PM | New London | Ralls | Forget-Me-Not Senior Center, 412 S. Main Street, New London, Missouri 63459 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 12PM – 3PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | Affinia Healthcare, 1717 Biddle Street, St. Louis, MO 63106 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 8:30AM – 2PM | Salem | Dent | Salem Community Center @ the Armory, 1200 W. Rolla Road, Salem, Missouri 65560 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 9AM – 4PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | CareSTL Health, 5471 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63112 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 8AM – 12PM | Springfield | Greene | Old Price Cutter Building, 1720 Grand Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802 | ||
Feb. 23, 2021 | 12PM – 3PM | Fulton | Callaway | C&R Market (Parking Lot), 640 Commons Drive, Fulton, Missouri 65251 | ||
Feb. 24, 2021 | 8:30AM – 4PM | St. Louis | St. Louis County | NAACP St. Louis County Building, 26 North Oaks Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri 63121 | ||
Feb. 24, 2021 | 9AM – 6PM | Kansas City | Clay County | Worlds of Fun, 4545 Worlds Of Fun Ave., Kansas City, Missouri 64161 | ||
Feb. 24, 2021 | 8:30AM – 11:30AM | Florissant | St. Louis County | James J. Egan Civic Center, 1 James J. Egan Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 | ||
Feb. 24, 2021 | 1PM – 3PM | Camdenton | Camden | Mid-County Fire, 184 MO-5 Bus., Camdenton, Missouri 65020 | ||
Feb. 25, 2021 | 12PM – 3PM | St. Louis | St. Louis City | Affinia Healthcare 1717 Biddle Street St. Louis, MO 63106 | ||
Feb. 25, 2021 | 10AM – 4PM | St. Charles | St. Charles | Harvester Christian Church, 2950 Kings Crossing St., Charles, Missouri 63303 | ||
Feb. 26, 2021 | 9AM – 11AM | St. Louis | St. Louis County | Riverview Gardens High School, 1218 Shepley Dr., St. Louis, MO 63137 | ||
Feb. 26, 2021 | 9AM – 1PM | Lamar | Barton | ACCESS Family Care, 210 W. 10th Street, Lamar, Missouri 64759 | ||
Feb. 26, 2021 | 12PM – 4PM | Kansas City | Jackson | Kansas City Zoo (Cheetah Parking Lot on south side of zoo), 6800 Zoo Dr., Kansas City, Missouri 64132 | ||
Feb. 26, 2021 | 10AM – 2PM | St. Joseph | Buchanan | St. Joseph Aquatic Center, 402 South Noyes Boulevard St., Joseph, Missouri 64501 | ||
Feb. 26, 2021 | 12PM – 3PM | Columbia | Boone | Moser’s Foods Parking Lot, 705 Business Loop 70 West, Columbia, MO 65203 |
Kirksville, MO 2/18/21 – The Adair County Health Department has been notified that the regional COVID-19 vaccine event originally scheduled for Feb. 10, rescheduled for today and postponed due to weather, has been rescheduled again for Thursday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. at The Crossing, 810 E. Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville. The Adair County Health Department, local and regional healthcare and community partners, and the Missouri National Guard will be coordinating the mass vaccination and directing traffic at The Crossing.
Those who registered for the Feb. 10 and/or Feb. 18 event should keep the same scheduled appointment time. Due to cancellations, there are some appointments still available, so registration has been reopened to fill them. Visit the Adair County Health Department website and click on the registration link on the homepage to register. Those who do not have internet service can call 660-730-6100 and 660-730-6200 to register.
This regional event is primarily for adults age 65 and older and high-risk individuals including adults age 18 and older with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI >40), sickle cell disease, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome. Any remaining long-term and residential care workers, hospital and healthcare workers, emergency workers, including first responders, ambulance, law enforcement, fire, corrections and juvenile corrections, emergency management and public works may also register. Anyone who does not fall into these groups is not eligible for the Feb. 25 vaccine.
The Moderna vaccine will be administered on Feb. 25. All participants should bring their signed consent form with them. Those forms are available on the Adair County Health Department’s website under the “Forms” tab or may be picked up at the Adair County Health Department’s clinic entrance. There is no charge for the COVID-19 vaccine; however, Medicare beneficiaries are asked to bring their Medicare card to the clinic.
Masks are, of course, required, and social distancing will be practiced to the extent possible. Anyone with a health condition that makes walking difficult should park in the blue handicap-designated spaces in front of The Crossing and wait for assistance. Participants will check in with their consent form and if applicable, their Medicare card, at the registration area, proceed to the vaccine area, then sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes where they will be monitored for any adverse reactions to the vaccine before being released to return to their vehicles.
Those receiving the Moderna vaccine on Feb. 25 should receive the second dose of the same vaccine on March 25 at the same scheduled time.
Vaccine availability by entities other than the Health Department will continue to expand as manufacturers produce more doses.
“The COVID-19 vaccines are starting to become more available in Adair County,” said Jim LeBaron, administrator of the Adair County Health Department. “We encourage residents to get vaccinated by any organization or business offering them as they become eligible. The most important thing is getting as many people vaccinated as possible,” he said.
Kirksville, MO 2/17/2021 – Two new cases of COVID-19 today in Adair County brings the total number to 2,279. There are 43 active cases and 2,216 people who have left isolation.
The new cases involve a 44-year-old male residing at an address with at least one other confirmed case, and an 88-year-old female resident of a skilled nursing facility.
A previously reported 84-year-old male who was admitted to University Hospital in Columbia on Feb. 5 was discharged to a nursing home outside of Adair County on Feb. 12.
Kirksville, MO 2/17/21 – The Adair County Health Department’s administration of the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 24, at The Crossing, 810 East Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville. The second dose is only for those who received their first dose on Jan. 27, not for the general public.
The clinic is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vaccine recipients should arrive at The Crossing at the same time as their first dose was scheduled on Jan. 27. There is no charge for the vaccine; however, Medicare beneficiaries are asked to bring their Medicare card with them to the clinic.
Frigid winter weather forced the postponement of the second dose administration originally scheduled for today.
“The temperatures are expected to return to above freezing next week,” said Jim LeBaron, Health Department administrator. “We need to take advantage of a 40-degree day to give people their second dose. It will make it much easier on those over the age of 65 and those with health conditions if they’re coming to the walk-in clinic on a much warmer day.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine should be administered at least 21 days after the first dose. The CDC recommendations also state: “There is no maximum interval between the first and second dose.”
“There is no issue with getting the second dose more than 21 days after the first,” LeBaron said. “There’s only an issue if you get the second dose too soon, so people should not be concerned about the delay.”
Kirksville, MO 2/16/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed 19 new cases of COVID-19 from Friday, Feb. 12 through today. Total case count now stands at 2,277 with 46 active cases currently, 2,211 people who have left isolation, and 20 COVID-related deaths.
Eight cases were confirmed on Feb. 12, including females ages 14, 19, 21, 28, 43 and 67, and males ages 19 and 22.
There was only one case confirmed on Feb. 13, a 71-year-old male, and one on Feb. 14, a 14-year-old female. Four cases on Feb. 15 include a 21-year-old female and males ages 20, 21 and 51.
The five new cases confirmed today include females ages 20 and 21 and males ages 19, 25 and 65.
Among the 19 new cases, eight reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case. Two are in the K-12 schools sector and 10 are in the higher education sector.
Kirksville, MO 2/16/21 – The Adair County Health Department confirms that the walk-in vaccine events originally slated for early in February have been postponed for a second time due to weather.
On Monday evening, the Governor’s office canceled the regional vaccine event which had been scheduled to take place on Thursday, Feb. 18, citing the winter weather. Upon cancelation of that event, the Adair County Health Department postponed tomorrow’s scheduled administration of the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to those who received the first dose on Jan. 27.
“It was difficult to justify having the second-dose clinic on Wednesday when the Governor had canceled the regional event on Thursday due to weather,” said Jim LeBaron, Adair County Health Department administrator. “We are now waiting to find out when the National Guard plans to reschedule the regional vaccine effort so we can reschedule the second-dose clinic for the day before.”
LeBaron said the vaccine clinics require substantial planning, site configuration and significant human resources from area healthcare providers, first responders and law enforcement, among others. Logistically, the two vaccine clinics need to occur on two consecutive days to optimize resources.
“I know people are confused because this is the second time we’re postponing and rescheduling these two vaccine efforts,” LeBaron said. “I wish we could control the weather, but we can’t. And so many of the people signed up for these vaccines are elderly or have health and mobility issues. They simply do not need to be exposed to the frigid temperatures, snow and ice that make being outside for even a few minutes hazardous,” he said.
As soon as the Health Department is advised of the date the Missouri National Guard will be in Kirksville for the regional vaccine clinic, the public will be notified of the rescheduling details for both efforts.
Kirksville, MO 2/12/21 –The regional COVID-19 vaccine event originally scheduled for Feb. 10 has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. at The Crossing, 810 E. Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville. The Adair County Health Department, local and regional healthcare and community partners, and the Missouri National Guard will be coordinating the mass vaccination and directing traffic at The Crossing.
Those who registered for the Feb. 10 event should keep the same scheduled appointment time. Due to cancellations, there are some appointments still available for the event, so registration has been reopened to fill them. Visit the Adair County Health Department website (https://adair.lphamo.org/) and click on the registration link on the homepage to register. Those who do not have internet service can call 660-730-6100 and 660-730-6200 to register.
This regional event is primarily for adults age 65 and older and high-risk individuals including adults age 18 and older with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI >40), sickle cell disease, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome. Any remaining long-term and residential care workers, hospital and healthcare workers, emergency workers, including first responders, ambulance, law enforcement, fire, corrections and juvenile corrections, emergency management and public works may also register. Anyone who does not fall into these groups is not eligible for the Feb. 18 vaccine.
Rescheduled Regional Vaccine Event
The Moderna vaccine will be administered on Feb. 18. All participants should bring their signed consent form with them. Those forms are available on the Adair County Health Department’s website under the “Forms” tab or may be picked up at the Adair County Health Department’s clinic entrance.
Frigid weather has forced the vaccine to be administered at a walk-in clinic at The Crossing. Masks are, of course, required, and social distancing will be practiced to the extent possible. Anyone with a health condition that makes walking difficult should park in the blue handicap-designated spaces in front of The Crossing and wait for assistance. Participants will check in with their consent forms at the registration area, proceed to the vaccine area, then sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes where they will be monitored for any adverse reactions to the vaccine before being released to return to their vehicles.
Those receiving the Moderna vaccine on Feb. 18 will receive the second dose of the same vaccine on March 18 at the same scheduled time.
Kirksville, MO 2/11/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed six new cases of COVID-19 today. Total case count is 2,258 with 59 active cases.
Today’s cases include females ages 37 and 75, and males ages 21, 22, 43 and 53. Two cases are in the higher education sector and one is related to an area plant. One of today’s cases resides at an address with at least one other confirmed case.
A previously identified 55-year-old male admitted to Northeast Regional Medical Center on Feb. 3 was discharged to his home on Feb. 10.
Kirksville, MO 2/11/21 – Those who received their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine at the Jan. 27 drive-through should return next Wednesday, Feb. 17, for their second dose. The Adair County Health Department has scheduled a walk-in clinic at The Crossing, 810 East Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville to administer the crucial second dose.
The clinic is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vaccine recipients should arrive at The Crossing at the same time as their first dose was scheduled on Jan. 27.
This Clinic is not for the general public.
Frigid winter weather has forced the vaccine efforts indoors, requiring vaccine recipients to walk into the building. However, the Health Department will attempt to accommodate individuals who have health issues that make walking difficult with curbside administration of their second dose on Feb. 17 as resources permit.
The statewide event with the Missouri National Guard and community partners that was postponed on Feb. 10 has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18 at The Crossing, 810 East Shepherd Ave. in Kirksville, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A separate press release will be issued on Friday with details regarding the rescheduled event.
Kirksville, MO 2/10/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed nine new cases of COVID-19 today. There are now 63 active cases out of the total of 2,252 cases to date.
An 86-year-old female previously reported and admitted to Northeast Regional Medical Center on Feb. 1 was discharged to home on Feb. 9.
Today’s nine cases include females ages 25, 28 and 92. There are two 11-year-old males and other males ages 22, 23, 25 and 76. Two cases are in the K-12 schools sector and four are in the higher education sector. Seven of the nine cases reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
Kirksville, MO 2/9/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed 11 new cases of COVID-19 today, raising the total number of cases to 2,243. There are 77 active cases, 2,146 people who have left isolation and 20 COVID-related deaths.
Today’s cases include three 20-year-old females and other females ages 21, 38 and 50. Males are ages 15, 21, 22, 55 and 58.
One of today’s cases is in the K-12 schools sector and four are in the higher education sector. Six cases reside at addresses with at least one other positive case, including three of today’s cases from the same household.
Kirksville, MO 2/9/21 – The Adair County Health Department today announced that the regional COVID-19 vaccine effort scheduled for tomorrow, Feb. 10, has been postponed.
Due to frigid weather, the event had been moved from a drive-through at the NEMO Fairgrounds to a walk-in clinic at Kirksville High School. Organizers then encountered logistical problems with the Kirksville R-III School District.
“We thank the R-III Schools administration for trying to address the massive logistics of an event like this, but we will need to move to another venue,” said Jim LeBaron, Adair County Health Department administrator.
The Adair County Health Department will announce a new location, dates and other information to the public within 48 hours.
Kirksville, MO 2/8/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed only two new cases over the weekend, a 34-year-old male and a 29-year-old female. Ten new cases were confirmed today. The overall case count now stands at 2,232 with 74 active cases and 2,138 people who have left isolation.
Among today’s cases is an 84-year-old male admitted to University Hospital in Columbia on Feb. 5.
Other cases include females ages 9, 11, 13, 18, two age 23 and one age 31. Other males are ages 50 and 53. Three cases are in the K-12 schools sector and two are in the higher education sector. Four of today’s cases reside at the same address.
Kirksville, MO 2/8/21 – The regional drive-through vaccine clinic scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021 at the NEMO Fairgrounds will now be a walk-in event at Kirksville High School’s north gym at 1300 South Cottage Grove in Kirksville.
Jim LeBaron, Adair County Health Department administrator, said the location change was prompted by the frigid temperatures. The vaccine can’t stay warm enough to be administered.
Those registered to receive a vaccine on Wednesday should arrive at their scheduled time and park in the lot adjacent to the Kirksville Vo-Tech Center and the north end of the high school. The walk-in entrance will be clearly marked. Vaccines will be administered inside the heated small gymnasium.
Members of the Missouri National Guard and Kirksville High School students will be available to assist those with mobility issues from the parking lot into the building and back to their vehicles.
Although administration of the vaccine may take a little more time than the drive-through, the Health Department encourages people who have registered for it to attend. Registrants who have any questions should call the Adair County Health Department at 660-665-8491.
Kirksville, MO 2/5/2021 – The Adair County Health Department confirmed 14 new cases of COVID-19 today. The total case count is now 2,220 with 79 active cases, 2,121 people who have left isolation and 20 COVID-related deaths.
Today’s cases include females ages 18, two age 19, 20, 49, 50, 57, 59 and 82. Males include two 20-year-olds and others, ages 21, 22 and 68.
Nine of the cases are in the higher education sector. Seven reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
Kirksville, MO 2/4/2021 – The COVID-19 case count hit 2,206 today upon confirmation of 14 new cases. There are 90 active cases and 2,096 people who have left isolation.
Today’s cases include nine in the higher education sector, one in the K-12 schools sector and eight at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
Females are ages 9, two 19-year-olds, three 20-year-olds, 21, 26, 43 and 51. Males are ages 19, 20, 22 and 55.
The 55-year-old male was admitted to Northeast Regional Medical Center on Feb. 3. He is not requiring use of a ventilator.
Kirksville, MO 2/4/21 – The Adair County Health Department is working with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Missouri National Guard and other health departments and healthcare providers in the region on a mass vaccination drive-through scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021 at the NEMO Fairgrounds. More than 2,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be available that day.
All Phase 1A and 1B, Tier 1 and Tier 2, target groups may register for the event. Those include adults age 65 and older and high-risk individuals including adults with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI >40), sickle cell disease, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome.
Target groups also include long-term and residential care workers, hospital and healthcare workers, emergency workers, including first responders, ambulance, law enforcement, fire, corrections and juvenile corrections, emergency management and public works.
Those residents who have emailed the Adair County Health Department but have not been called for a vaccine yet are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
To register, use this link. Those Adair County residents who do not have internet access can call the Adair County Health Department at 660-665-8491, 660-730-6100 or 660-730-6200 for registration assistance.
Friends and family of elderly and vulnerable adults are encouraged to assist them with registration and transportation to the drive-through event.
Those vaccinated on Feb. 10. should be prepared to register for the second dose which will be available to them in early March.
Kirksville, MO 2/3/2021 – Seventeen new cases confirmed by the Adair County Health Department yesterday and six more today bring the overall case count to 2,192. There are 89 people in isolation, 2,083 people who have left isolation and 20 COVID-related deaths.
Cases confirmed on Feb. 1 include three 19-year-old females, three 20-year-old females, and other females ages 21, 34 and 59. Males include three 20-year-olds and others ages 21, 23, 28, 47 and 64. Twelve cases are in the higher education sector and six reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case. The 64-year-old male was admitted to Boone Hospital in Columbia on Feb. 1 and is not requiring use of a ventilator.
Cases confirmed today include a 26-year-old female and males ages 19, 21, 34, 35 and 37. Two are in the higher education sector and one resides in a household with another confirmed case.
Kirksville, MO 2/1/2021 – Seven new cases confirmed over the weekend and nine more cases today brings Adair County’s case count to 2,169. The County also recorded another death on Jan. 31, an 83-year-old female who was admitted to Northeast Regional Medical Center on Jan. 15. There are currently 90 active cases, 2,059 people who have left isolation and 20 COVID-related deaths.
Cases confirmed on Jan. 30 include females ages 7, 18 and 24, and males ages 6, 18 and 20. Two cases are in the K-12 schools sector and four are in the higher education sector. Two reside at addresses with at least one other confirmed case.
The two cases confirmed on Jan. 31 include an 86-year-old female who was admitted to Northeast Regional today and is not requiring a ventilator. The other case is a 19-year-old male residing at an address with at least one other confirmed case.
Cases confirmed today include females ages 19, 33, 50, 54, 57 and 63. Males are ages 6, 20 and 22. Three are in the higher education sector and four reside at addresses with a least one other confirmed case.
Two patients were discharged from Northeast Regional on Jan. 31, including an 81-year-old male admitted on Jan. 23 and a 73-year-old male admitted on Jan. 26. Neither required a ventilator during their inpatient stays.
Kirksville, MO 2/1/2021 – As production of COVID-19 vaccines ramp up, availability to Adair County residents will expand. The Adair County Health Department will continue to vaccinate residents as it receives doses. It will also continue to provide information about COVID-19, testing and vaccines, including information about accessing vaccines administered by other local entities.
“The most important thing that can happen in Adair County is having vaccine doses shipped to and administered by more and more providers,” said Jim LeBaron, Adair County Health Department administrator. “We will continue to request doses and administer them as we receive them at our Curbside Clinics. But having other vaccinators, including healthcare providers and local pharmacies, receiving and administering doses is a game changer. More doses in more arms is exactly how we get COVID-19 under control in our community and save the lives of our most vulnerable residents,” he said.
LeBaron said that key to the distribution of more vaccine doses among more entities is understanding that for now, individuals should not mix vaccines. Both of the current two-dose vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, are mRNA vaccines; however, there has not been sufficient research to determine how mixing them might inhibit the effectiveness of the vaccine. The CDC has stated that the two could mixed under exceptional circumstances but continues to recommend that until further studies are completed, people stick with one or the other for their two doses.
“For now, if your first dose was the Pfizer vaccine, your second dose should be the Pfizer vaccine. If your first dose was the Modern vaccine, your second dose should be the Moderna vaccine,” LeBaron said. “This could change as researchers learn more about both vaccines and their efficacy but for now, you should stick with only one maker for both doses.
“From the very first confirmed case of COVID-19 in this country, information about it has been a moving target,” LeBaron said. “This pandemic is a learning process for absolutely everyone. We all need to adhere to the CDC recommendations as they’re made, despite the fact that they may later change. For now, the prevailing wisdom is to receive both doses from the same maker. This is particularly important as more providers in Adair County get access to doses, creating more opportunities for residents to get vaccinated.
“Everyone should take advantage of whatever opportunity is available to them,” LeBaron said. “If you have emailed the Adair County Health Department to be placed on our waiting list but have another opportunity to register for a vaccine, take advantage of that other opportunity. You need to stick with a single vaccine maker for both doses, but you don’t necessarily have to stick with the same entity distributing doses, as long as they’re using the same vaccine product,” he said.