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January is Radon Month
January is national radon month, for more information and testing click here.

Bat Tests Positive for Rabies in Kirksville
We have been informed that a bat in our area that bit a citizen has tested positive for rabies. Please follow the following links for information on how to keep bats out of your home, information about rabies in animals, reports on the prevalence of rabies in your area and how to report on bats…

Making Tick Bite Prevention a Summer Routine
As the summer season continues it is important that tick bite prevention remains a part of your summer routine. JEFFERSON CITY, MO – To date in 2018, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has recorded 344 cases of spotted fever rickettsioses, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 208 cases of ehrlichiosis, 7 cases…

Protect Yourself and Others from Tick Bites
Two minutes is all it takes to prevent tick bites and tick borne illnesses by applying insect repellant while enjoying the outdoors this Memorial Day weekend. The upcoming Memorial Day Weekend gives Missourians a chance to honor those who have lost their lives serving our country and many of us will spend time outdoors attending…

Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated, Stay Informed
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is urging everyone to prepare for summer heat by staying cool, staying hydrated and staying informed. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – The heat and humidity of Missouri can affect everyone, but can be especially dangerous to small children, the elderly and the chronically ill. Each year many Missourians…

Solar Eclipse Safety-ACHD Glasses Recalled
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Solar eclipse glasses purchased by the Health Department through Amazon have been recalled. Community members that acquired glasses from the health department are being advised to not wear them during the eclipse. Click here to read the official news release from Jim LeBaron, Adair County Health Department Administrator. Your eye health is important…

Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke
Heat related illnesses are no joke and prevention is key in order to avoid health problems during extremely hot temperatures. Be smart about outdoor activities. Toughness has nothing to do with protecting yourself against the heat and sun. You are not a wimp if you take water breaks, wear sunscreen, and limited your time outside…in fact you are staying…

Protect Against Mosquitoes and Ticks
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services recommends top five steps Missourians can take to protect against mosquito and tick bites Prepare for summer by protecting against bug bites With summer right around the corner, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) compiled the top five tips for protecting against mosquito and tick…

Motorcycle Awareness Month
Motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and privileges as any vehicle on the roadway. Allow the motorcyclist a full lane width. Do not share the lane. Eleven percent of all 2015 Missouri traffic fatalities involved a motorcycle. In 2015, 92 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes on Missouri roadways. For more information visit the…

National Poison Prevention Week
National Poison Prevention Week is March 18-24, 2018. For more information about chemicals that shouldn’t be mixed go to Also with spring approaching, click here for some spring tips: Also be sure to keep the Poison Help Center number (1-800-222-1222) by your phone. For more information, go to poison
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