Inspection Results for Rosie’s Northtown Cafe
Rosie’s Northtown Cafe
2801 N. Baltimore
Kirksville, MO 63501
11/20/24 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 6-301.12 No paper towels available at the hand wash sink.
- 4-602.13 Water pooled and food debris in the bottom of the prep cooler.
- 4-204.112 No thermometer observed in the refrigerator.
- 6-501.12 Dead roaches observed on the floor by the prep cooler.
5/31/24 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- 6-501.111 Live cockroach observed below milk crate in dishwasher area and under shelf – removed.
Non-Critical Items
5/24/24 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 7-201.11 Can of penetrating oil and spray paint stored on top of the ice machine.
- 6-501.111 (a) Mouse droppings and dead roaches observed below milk crates near utility room. (b) Live roaches observed underneath prep table and shelf above dishwasher.
- 7-206.12 Bait block not contained in a covered bait station.
- 6-501.112 Dead roach observed in the bottom of the Koch reach-in cooler.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-602.13 Water pooling in the bottom of the prep cooler.
- 6-202.14 Employee restroom door is propped open.
- 6-501.12 Rear door propped open without screening.
11/30/23 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- 3-301.11 Individual chopping cabbage for cole slaw using bare hands – corrected.
Non-Critical Items
11/16/23 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-501.16 Prep cooler above 41 F.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-501.14 Cleaning needed on top surface of dishwasher.
- 6-202.14 Employee restroom door propped open to the kitchen.
5/31/23 - Follow up
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
5/24/23 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- 6-501.111 Still some droppings on the floor in the storage area.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-204.112 Thermometer is not accurate in the prep cooler.
5/17/23 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 6-501.111 Mouse dropping observed on the floor along wall in storage room.
- 3-501.16 Hamburger in bottom of the prep cooler at 45 F.
- 3-302.11 Fully cooked ham (packaged) stored in tub with raw ground beef.
- 4-703.11 Dishwasher is not sanitizing.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-602.13 Water pooled in the bottom of the prep cooler.
- 6-202.14 Restroom door propped open.
- 4-901.11 Silverware and cups drying on the towel on table – air dry.
- Ordinance – Training needs to be completed.
12/8/22 - Routine
Critical Items
- 3-302.11 Container of raw hamburger patties stored above butter in prep cooler – corrected.
Non-Critical Items
- 4-204.112 No thermometer observed in the McCall reach-in cooler.
12/9/21 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- None
12/2/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-301.11 Employee handling foods with bare hands.
Ordinance: No one present with manager certification at time of inspection.
Non-Critical Items
- 6-301.12 No paper towels available at the hand sink.
- 4-901.11 Employee drying utensils with towel.
- 4-602.13 Water pooled in the bottom of the prep cooler.
- 4-602.12 Food debris present in the microwave oven.
6/8/21 - Follow Up
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 2-402.11 Employee with unrestrained hair over food product (pies).
5/25/21 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- 3-501.16 (a) Sausage gravy on the steam table at 129 F – corrected. (b) Chicken held in pat at 111 F.
Non-Critical Items
- 6-301.12 No paper towels available at the hand wash sink.
- 4-602.13 Water pooling in the bottom of the prep cooler.
- 6-501.11 Dead roaches observed on the floor along the north wall.
- 3-305.11 Bag of onions stored on the floor of the kitchen.
11/19/20 - Routine Inspection
Critical Items
- None
Non-Critical Items
- 4-501.14 Top surface of the dish washer has some soil present.
- 4-302.14 No sanitizer test strips at dish washer.