November 10, 2015


What is the Fit-Tastic Program all about?

The Adair County Health Department has teamed-up with the Adair County YMCA, University of Missouri Extension, Hy-Vee, and Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City to form the Northeast Missouri Fit-Tastic program.  Our goal is to assist individuals interested in choosing and achieving healthy habits for a healthy future.

But why?

  • The CDC has estimated that 70% of the population of Adair County will be obese by 2030.
  • Childhood obesity can best be reduced when parents and other family members choose healthy habits.
  • Fit-Tastic goes beyond diets by assisting individuals who need education and encouragement to choose healthier long-term habits and lifestyles.

So what can I do?

  • Take the Fit-Tastic Healthy Lifestyles Quiz
  • Learn about the Fit-Tastic five healthy habits (see below).
  • Set goals for you and your family to improve your health.
  • Let your health care provider know about your plan.
  • Welcome to the Fit-Tastic program!

The Five Healthy Habits:

  1. One hour or more of Physical Activity per day
  2. Two hours maximum of screen time per day
  3. Three servings of low or nonfat milk per day
  4. Four servings of water per day
  5. Five or more servings or more of fruits and vegetables

For more information about the Fit-Tastic program please call the Adair County Health Department at 660-665-8491.